1  Tag object

In this basic tutorial, we go through the main steps of GeoPressureR using only pressure data, with the example of a Swainson’s Warbler. This bird presents a short migration route, with only a few stopovers, making it easy to process and fast to compute.

Swainson’s Warbler. 16 May 2022. Edisto Nature Trail, South Carolina, US. ML 450511161

1.1 Create tag

What is a tag object?

A tag is a specific geolocator or datalogger which can contain multiple sensors (e.g., pressure, light, acceleration). Because such archival tag are usually not re-equipped, we consider that it is associated with a single deployment.

In GeoPressureR, tag is an object (i.e., a S3 class) which is created with the raw logger data. It will be modified at each step of the workflow as it aggregates all the information needed to ultimately be able to model the bird’s trajectory.

The tag object is created based on the available data stored in "./data/raw-tag/CB619/" following the default structure described in GeoPressureTemplate.

tag <- tag_create(id = "CB619")
✔ Read './data/raw-tag/CB619/CB619.deg'

✔ Read './data/raw-tag/CB619/CB619.deg'
Warning: ! No file is matching '*.lux'.
→ This sensor will be ignored.

You can use the generic print() and plot() function to visualize the tag data.

plot(tag, type = "pressure")

Depending on when you equipped the bird and when your tag started recording data, you will likely need to crop your data to specific dates. As it is bad practice to modify your raw data, we recommend using the crop_start and crop_end arguments in tag_create().

1.2 Label tag into stationary periods

Labelling tracks involves two steps:

  1. Label periods of flight, which, by extension will define the STAtionary Periods (called stap in the code), during which the bird is assumed to remain at the same location (+/- tens of kilometers) and same elevation level (+/- few meters)
  2. Discard pressure measurements which should not be used to estimate position (due to, for example, sensor error, flight, minor/short changes in elevation level, etc.)
Important note

Correctly labelling the track requires time and effort, but is key to accurately estimate the bird’s position.

As labelling relies on functions and tools presented later in the tutorial, we recommend first following the basic and advanced tutorials. After that, we strongly advise that you read attentively the recommendations for this step provided in Chapter 8.

1.2.1 Initialize and create the label .csv file

Use tag_label_write() to initiate the label (i.e., empty label) and create the label file to "./data/tag-label/CB619.csv".

ℹ No label data.
→ Initialize automatically label using `tag_label_auto()`
✔ './data/tag-label/CB619.csv' written successfully.

1.2.2 Label manually on Trainset

Open https://trainset.raphaelnussbaumer.com/ and click on “Upload Tag Label” to load your .csv file. Instructions on how to label the file can be found in the dedicated chapter [labelling tracks]. Once you have finished, export the new csv file in the same folder /data/tag-label/CB619-labeled.csv (TRAINSET will automatically add -labeled in the name).

Print screen of the manual labelling of tag data in TRAINSET. See Chapter 8 for more information.

1.2.3 Read labelled file

Read the exported file with tag_label_read() to update tag$pressure (and, when relevant, tag$acceleration), with a new label column.

tag <- tag_label_read(tag)
date value label
2021-07-01 02:30:10 954.2268
2021-07-01 03:00:10 954.0889
2021-07-01 03:30:10 953.8978
2021-07-01 04:00:10 953.6862
2021-07-01 04:30:10 953.4887
2021-07-01 05:00:10 953.0179

1.2.4 Compute stationary periods

tag_label_stap() then creates the stationary periods based on these labels:

tag <- tag_label_stap(tag, quiet = TRUE)
stap_id start end
1 2021-07-01 02:15:10 2021-09-24 00:15:10
2 2021-09-24 11:15:10 2021-09-24 23:45:10
3 2021-09-25 10:45:10 2021-09-25 23:45:10
4 2021-09-26 12:45:10 2021-09-27 04:15:10
5 2021-09-27 08:15:10 2022-04-06 00:45:10
6 2022-04-06 10:15:10 2022-04-07 00:15:10

Plotting the pressure timeseries of tag provides additional information:

plot(tag, type = "pressure", quiet = TRUE)
What is pre-processing?

You might notice some discrepancies between the raw data (grey) and the pre-processed pressure timeseries of each stationary period (colored lines).

The pre-processing aligns the raw timeseries data to the weather reanalysis pressure data by removing outliers and downscaling the resolution to 1hr falling on the exact hour.

The black dots show the discarded pressure points (i.e., outliers), corresponding to bird vertical movement rather than natural variation of pressure.

The function tag_label() is a wrapper for tag_label_write(), tag_label_read() and tag_label_stap(), allowing you to process the label file (i.e., CB619-labeled.csv) in a single line.