16  Read and use

16.1 Read Geolocator Data Package

A cool feature of Zenodo is that you can load the data directly without downloading the files!

pkg <- read_gldp("https://zenodo.org/records/14099115/files/datapackage.json")

Alternatively, it’s possible to load the file from a local directory:

pkg <- read_gldp(file.path("~/", "woodlandkingfisher", "datapackage.json"))

16.2 Analyse data with GeoPressureTemplate

If this data package has not yet been analysed with GeoPressureR, you can create a GeoPressureTemplate folder from the data package using the following code. Note that this code will open a new RStudio session.

dest_dir <- tempfile() #
project_dir <- write_geopressuretemplate(pkg, destdir = dest_dir, overwrite = TRUE)
! Created directory: /var/folders/cm/dh8lmmxn3b5bcb2_gbz16ycm0000gn/T//RtmpRy0SHX/filefd9150b0fd0d
✔ Setting active project to
✔ Writing 'LICENSE.md'.
⠙ 4/5 ETA:  1s |   

16.3 Use analysed data

If the datapackage you want to use has already been analysed, you can retrieve all the resources of the datapackage:

# List available resources
A GeoLocator Data Package with 8 resourcess:
• tags
• observations
• measurements
• twilights
• staps
• paths
• edges
• pressurepaths
Use `unclass()` to print the Data Package as a list.
# For instance, display the edges
edges(pkg) %>%
  head() %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 1)
tag_id stap_s stap_t lat_s lon_s lat_t lon_t s t j start end n distance bearing gs_u gs_v ws_u ws_v
16LN 1 2 -22.7 28.8 -20.1 26.6 8503 21109 1 2017-04-04 19:42:30 2017-04-05 03:52:30 1 363.6 -38.1 -26.9 31.4 -28.0 -3.5
16LN 2 3 -20.1 26.6 -18.9 26.4 21109 34936 1 2017-04-05 17:37:30 2017-04-05 21:12:30 1 140.8 -10.8 -6.0 31.7 -13.8 -1.0
16LN 3 4 -18.9 26.4 -18.1 27.1 34936 49373 1 2017-04-06 01:02:30 2017-04-06 03:42:30 1 114.7 43.8 23.0 24.0 -2.3 -0.1
16LN 4 5 -18.1 27.1 -17.1 26.6 49373 63049 1 2017-04-06 23:52:30 2017-04-07 03:07:30 1 122.7 -25.7 -12.9 26.9 -16.9 -9.8
16LN 5 6 -17.1 26.6 -17.1 27.4 63049 77489 1 2017-04-07 18:17:30 2017-04-07 21:12:30 1 79.8 90.1 18.2 0.0 -9.5 -3.5
16LN 6 7 -17.1 27.4 -15.6 25.6 77489 90403 1 2017-04-08 17:37:30 2017-04-08 22:17:30 1 250.0 -48.6 -36.0 31.7 -23.2 3.4

Here is an example showing all the tracks

bird_data <- paths(pkg) %>%
  filter(type == "most_likely")

# Generate a color palette for unique tag IDs
tag_ids <- unique(bird_data$tag_id)
color_palette <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", domain = tag_ids)

leaflet_map <- leaflet(height = 600) %>% addTiles()

# Add polylines and markers for each tag_id
for (tag in tag_ids) {
  bird_subset <- bird_data %>% filter(tag_id == tag)
  leaflet_map <- leaflet_map %>%
      lng = ~lon,
      lat = ~lat,
      data = bird_subset,
      color = color_palette(tag),
      weight = 2,
      popup = ~ paste0("Tag ID: ", tag_id, "<br>Step: ", stap_id)
    ) %>%
      lng = ~lon,
      lat = ~lat,
      data = bird_subset,
      color = color_palette(tag),
      radius = 4,
      fillOpacity = 0.8,
      popup = ~ paste0("Tag ID: ", tag_id, "<br>Step: ", stap_id)

# Add a legend
leaflet_map <- leaflet_map %>%
    position = "topright",
    pal = color_palette,
    values = tag_ids,
    title = "Bird Trajectories",
    opacity = 1

# Display the map