7  GeoPressureViz

GeoPressureR includes the shiny app GeoPressureViz which helps you visualize the overall trajectory of the bird as well as each step-by-step move. Note that this is a visualization tool only and as such, it cannot be used to make changes to your data. It offers a useful tool to label your tag and provides a convenient platform to discuss the overall trajectory with collaborators.

Screenshot of the GeoPressureViz demo showing the estimated position at one stationary period of the Great Reed Warbler (18LX), based on (1) the pressure and light match (map colorscale and timeseries) and (2) potential flight distances from the previous and next stationary periods (circles).

7.2 Run GeoPressureViz

The visualization can be started with your track using geopressureviz().

  tag = tag, # required
  path = pressurepath, # optional
  marginal = marginal, # optional

If your data is stored in "./data/interim/18LX.RData", you can use directly


Note that the path of the shiny app can be retrieved from the global environment using geopressure_path.