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This function displays the information of a graph object.


# S3 method for class 'graph'
print(x, ...)



a GeoPressureR graph object.


arguments passed to other methods


graph is returned invisibly and unchanged


withr::with_dir(system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"), {
  tag <- tag_create("18LX", quiet = TRUE) |>
    tag_label(quiet = TRUE) |>
    twilight_create() |>
    twilight_label_read() |>
      extent = c(-16, 23, 0, 50),
      known = data.frame(stap_id = 1, known_lon = 17.05, known_lat = 48.9)
    ) |>
    geopressure_map(quiet = TRUE) |>
    geolight_map(quiet = TRUE)

graph <- graph_create(tag, quiet = TRUE)

#> ── GeoPressureR `graph` object for 18LX ────────────────────────────────────────
#> Note: All green texts are fields of `graph` (i.e., `graph$field`).
#> ── Parameters param 
#> Run `graph$param` to display full table
#> ── Stationary periods stap 
#> 5 stationary periods
#>   stap_id               start                 end known_lat known_lon include
#> 1       1 2017-07-26 23:57:30 2017-08-04 19:47:30      48.9     17.05    TRUE
#> 2       2 2017-08-04 23:17:30 2017-08-05 19:27:30        NA        NA    TRUE
#> 3       3 2017-08-06 02:52:30 2017-08-06 19:12:30        NA        NA    TRUE
#> ...
#> Run `graph$stap` to see full stap table
#> ── Map 
#>  Extent (W, E, S, N): -16°, 23°, 0°, 50°
#>  Dimensions (lat x lon): 500 x 390 (res. 0.1°)
#> ── Graph size 
#>  1 equipement node
#>  79 retrieval nodes
#>  3,045 nodes
#>  2,248,684 edges
#> ── Movement model 
#> ! Windspeed not computed. Use `graph_add_wind()`
#>  No movement model defined. Use `graph_set_movement()`