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This function plot a GeoPressureR tag object as a time series or a map.

By default, type is determined in the following order of preference according to availability: c("map_pressure", "map_light"), "map_pressure", "map_light", "pressure".

plot.tag() calls different plotting functions depending on type.

Refers to these functions for additional parameters and more flexibility in the plotting.


# S3 method for tag
plot(x, type = NULL, ...)



a GeoPressureR tag object.


type of the plot to display. One of "pressure", "acceleration", "light", "temperature", "twilight", "map", "map_pressure", "map_light", "map_pressure_mse", "map_pressure_mask", "mask_water". Map can be combined by providing a vector of type.


additional parameters for plot_tag_pressure(), plot_tag_acceleration(), plot_tag_light(), plot_tag_twilight() or


a plot, ggplotly or leaflet object.


owd <- setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"))
tag <- tag_create("18LX", quiet = TRUE) |>
  tag_label(quiet = TRUE) |>
  twilight_create() |>

# By default, plot will display the time series of pressure
#> ── Pre-processed pressure data length 
#>  All stationary periods have more than 12 datapoints.
#> ── Pressure difference 
#>  All hourly changes in pressure are below 3 hPa.
# Change the `type` to display other sensor plot(tag, type = "acceleration")
plot(tag, type = "light")
# Twilight is display as an image plot(tag, type = "twilight") # After you compute any likelihood map, the default will # become this map (i.e., `type = "map"`) tag <- tag_set_map(tag, extent = c(-16, 23, 0, 50), scale = 4, known = data.frame( stap_id = 1, known_lon = 17.05, known_lat = 48.9 ) ) |> geopressure_map(quiet = TRUE) plot(tag)
# The likelihood map of light can be display with tag <- geolight_map(tag, quiet = TRUE) plot(tag, type = "map_light")
# When both pressure and light likelihood are present, # the default is to display their products, equivalent # to choose `type = c("map_pressure", "map_light")` plot(tag)