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This function displays the information of a param list.


# S3 method for class 'param'
print(x, ...)



a GeoPressureR param list.


arguments passed to other methods


param is returned invisibly and unchanged

See also

Other param: param_create()


# Display the default parameters used in the package.
param <- param_create("18LX", default = TRUE)

#> ── GeoPressureR `param` object for id: 18LX ────────────────────────────────────
#> Note: All green texts are fields of `param` (i.e., `param$field`).
#>  GeoPressureR_version: 3.4.0
#> ── Sensors data `tag_create()` 
#>  crop_start:
#>  crop_end:
#>  directory: `glue::glue("./data/raw-tag/{id}")`
#>  pressure_file:
#>  light_file:
#>  acceleration_file:
#>  temperature_external_file:
#>  temperature_internal_file:
#>  magnetic_file:
#> ── Tag label `tag_label()` 
#>  label_file:
#> ── Stationary period definition `tag_set_map()` 
#>  extent: [W:, E:, S:, N:]
#>  scale: 10
#>  known: `data.frame(stap_id = integer(), known_lat = double(), known_lon =
#>   double())`
#>  include_stap_id:
#>  include_min_duration: 0
#> ── Geopressure `geopressure_map()` 
#>  max_sample: 250
#>  margin: 30
#>  sd: 1
#>  thr_mask: 0.9
#>  log_linear_pooling_weight: `function(n) log(n)/n`
#> ── Twilight & Geolight `twilight_create()` `geolight_map()` 
#>  twl_thr:
#>  twl_offset:
#>  twilight_file:
#>  twl_calib_adjust: 1.4
#>  twl_llp: `function(n) log(n)/n`
#> ── Graph `graph_create()` 
#>  thr_likelihood: 0.99
#>  thr_gs: 150
#> ── Movement model & wind `graph_add_wind()` `graph_movement()` 
#>  thr_as:
#>  file:
#>  type: `ifelse("ws" %in% names(graph), "as", "gs")`
#>  method: `ifelse("ws" %in% names(graph), "power", "gamma")`
#>  shape: 7
#>  scale: 7
#>  location: 40
#>  bird_create:
#>   mass:
#>   wing_span:
#>   wing_aspect:
#>   wing_area:
#>   body_frontal_area:
#>  power2prob: `function(power) (1/power)^3`
#>  low_speed_fix: 15
#>  zero_speed_ratio: 1
#> ── Outputs `graph_simulation()` `pressurepath_create()` 
#>  nj: 10
#>  variable: `c("altitude", "surface_pressure")`
#>  solar_dep: 0