A pressurepath
is a data.frame merging path
and tag$pressure
. It can be thought as the
equivalent of the measurement of variables by sensors equipped on the bird moving along a
specific path
Any ERA variables can be retrieve but the functions is most notably used to retrieve ERA5 surface pressure to then be able to compare it to the pressure measured by the tag, and potentially adjust labelling tag data.
By default, We use both the ERA5 LAND and
ERA5 surface level if position over water. Available
variables can be listed with GeoPressureR:::pressurepath_variable
and details description
can be found on the parameter listings in ERA5 doc.
Note that their exact name might be be different as we query them through Google Earth Engine.
Positions during the flight are estimated by linear interpolation of the position of the stap
before and after. pressurepath_create()
does not return measurement for stationary periods
which are not provided in path
as well as the flight before and after.
also return the altitude of the bird along its trajectory. The altitude \(z_{tag}\) (a.s.l.) is computed from the tag pressure \(P_{tag}\), using the barometric equation $$ z_{{tag}}(x)=z_{ERA5}(x) + \frac{T_{ERA5}(x)}{L_b} \left( \frac{P_{tag}}{P_{ERA5}(x)} \right)^{\frac{RL_b}{g M}-1},$$ where \(z_{ERA}\), \(T_{ERA}\), and \(P_{ERA}\) respectively correspond to the ground level elevation, temperature at 2m, and ground level pressure of ERA5, \(L_b\) is the standard temperature lapse rate, \(R\) is the universal gas constant, \(g\) is the gravity constant and \(M\) is the molar mass of air. See more information at the GeoPressureAPI documentation.
To be able to compare the temporal variation of the retrieved pressure of ERA5 \(P_{ERA}\) to
the tag pressure \(P_{tag}\), the function also returns the ERA pressure normalized with
the tag mean pressure measurement as surface_pressure_norm
$$ P_{ERA5,0}(\boldsymbol{x})[t] = \left( P_{ERA5}(\boldsymbol{x})[t]-P_{tag}[t]\right) -
\left( \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n} P_{ERA5}(\boldsymbol{x})[i]-P_{tag}[i] \right).$$
also computes the local sunrise and sunset times for each timestep
according to the position of the path using path2twilight()
. Sunrise and sunset are defined
by the solar depression angle solar_dep
- tag
a GeoPressureR
object.- path
a GeoPressureR
data.frame.- variable
ERA5 variable/parameters available to download. The most commonly used variables:
. All variables can be listed withGeoPressureR:::pressurepath_variable
.- solar_dep
a numerical value representing the solar depression angle used to compute sunrise and sunset. If
, does not compute sunrise sunset.- era5_dataset
select the dataset to use:
for ERA5 hourly data on single levels,"land"
for ERA5-Land hourly data or"both"
to use land where available and sing-levels otherwise (i.e. over water). LAND has greater precision but is not available on water. Using a single one makes the query faster.- preprocess
logical to pre-process pressure data with
.- timeout
duration before the code is interrupted both for the request on GeoPressureAPI and on GEE (in seconds, see
).- workers
number of parallel requests on GEE. Integer between 1 and 99.
- quiet
logical to hide messages about the progress
- debug
logical to display additional information to debug a request
A GeoPressureR pressurepath
data.frame with columns:
same aspressure$date
same aspressure$stap_id
same aspressure$value
same aspressure$label
same aspath$j
same aspath$lat
same aspath$lon
same aspath$include
same aspath$known
altitude of the bird along the path (see detail)surface_pressure
pressure retrieved from ERA5.surface_pressure_norm
pressure retrieved from ERA5 normalized to the average ofpressure_tag
over the stationary period.sunrise
datetime of the sunrise according tosolar_dep
datetime of the sunset according tosolar_dep
any other ERA5 variable requested byvariable
See also
GeoPressureManual | Pressure Map
Other pressurepath:
withr::with_dir(system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"), {
tag <- tag_create("18LX", quiet = TRUE) |> tag_label(quiet = TRUE)
path <- data.frame(
stap_id = tag$stap$stap_id,
lat = c(48.5, 32.5, 30.5, 49.5, 41.6),
lon = c(17.5, 13.5, 16.5, 21.5, 12.7)
pressurepath <- pressurepath_create(tag, path = path, quiet = TRUE)
#> 'data.frame': 672 obs. of 11 variables:
#> $ date : POSIXct, format: "2017-07-27 00:00:00" "2017-07-27 00:30:00" ...
#> $ stap_id : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ pressure_tag : int 989 989 990 990 989 989 990 990 991 990 ...
#> $ label : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#> $ lat : num 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 ...
#> $ lon : num 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 ...
#> $ altitude : num 157 157 148 148 158 ...
#> $ surface_pressure : num 978 978 978 978 978 ...
#> $ surface_pressure_norm: num 989 989 989 989 989 ...
#> $ sunset : POSIXct, format: "2017-07-27 18:34:08" "2017-07-27 18:34:08" ...
#> $ sunrise : POSIXct, format: "2017-07-27 03:18:06" "2017-07-27 03:18:06" ...
#> - attr(*, "id")= chr "18LX"
#> - attr(*, "preprocess")= logi FALSE
pressurepath <- pressurepath_create(
path[c(2, 3, 4), ],
quiet = TRUE