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Convert a vector of 2D coordinate indices into a path data.frame. If ind is a matrix, each row represents the path of a different trajectory j.

This function is the main way to create path in GeoPressureR, and is used by graph_most_likely, graph_simulation and tag2path.


ind2path(ind, tag_graph, use_known = TRUE)



vector of indices of the 2D map (vector or matrix)


either a tag or a graph object, must contains stap, extent and scale.


If true, enforce the known position in the path created. The known positions are approximated to the map resolution in order to corresponds to integer index.


A path data.frame

  • stap_id stationary period identification

  • j identification for each trajectory (1 to $nj$).

  • lat Latitude,

  • lon longitude

  • ... other columns from stap

See also

Other path: path2edge(), path2elevation(), plot_path()


setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"))
tag <- tag_create("18LX", quiet = TRUE) |>
  tag_label(quiet = TRUE) |>
  tag_set_map(c(-16, 23, 0, 50), scale = 1)

# ind generated by `graph_most_likely` (single trajectory - vector)
ind <- c(1652, 1603, 1755, 1708, 1607)
path <- ind2path(ind, tag)
#> | stap_id|  j|  ind|  lat|  lon|start               |end                 |include |known |
#> |-------:|--:|----:|----:|----:|:-------------------|:-------------------|:-------|:-----|
#> |       1|  1| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  1| 1603| 47.5| 16.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       3|  1| 1755| 45.5| 19.5|2017-08-06 02:52:30 |2017-08-06 19:12:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       4|  1| 1708| 42.5| 18.5|2017-08-07 03:12:30 |2017-08-07 19:12:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       5|  1| 1607| 43.5| 16.5|2017-08-08 00:12:30 |2017-08-09 23:57:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |

# ind generated by `graph_simulation` (10 trajectories - matrix)
ind <- matrix(c(
  1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652, 1652,
  1653, 1606, 1653, 1504, 1604, 1704, 1504, 1653, 1753, 1701,
  1805, 1457, 1408, 1657, 1609, 1903, 1506, 1757, 1856, 1804,
  1607, 1514, 1611, 1457, 1860, 1802, 1759, 1609, 1760, 1208,
  1505, 1314, 1559, 1357, 1758, 1852, 1661, 1706, 1862, 1358
), nrow = 10)
path <- ind2path(ind, tag)
knitr::kable(head(path, n = 15))
#> | stap_id|  j|  ind|  lat|  lon|start               |end                 |include |known |
#> |-------:|--:|----:|----:|----:|:-------------------|:-------------------|:-------|:-----|
#> |       1|  1| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  2| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  3| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  4| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  5| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  6| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  7| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  8| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1|  9| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       1| 10| 1652| 48.5| 17.5|2017-07-26 23:57:30 |2017-08-04 19:47:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  1| 1653| 47.5| 17.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  2| 1606| 44.5| 16.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  3| 1653| 47.5| 17.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  4| 1504| 46.5| 14.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |
#> |       2|  5| 1604| 46.5| 16.5|2017-08-04 23:17:30 |2017-08-05 19:27:30 |TRUE    |FALSE |