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This function runs in parallel geopressure_ts() based on a path and pressure timeserie. It uses the sta_id to match the pressure timeserie to request for each position of the path.


geopressure_ts_path(path, pressure, include_flight = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



A data.frame of the position containing latitude (lat), longitude (lon) and the stationary period id (sta_id) as column.


Pressure list from PAM logger dataset list.


Extend request to also query the pressure and altitude during the previous and/or next flight. Flights are defined by a sta_id=0. Accept Logical or vector of -1 (previous flight), 0 (stationary) and/or 1 (next flight). (e.g. include_flight=c(-1, 1) will only search for the flight before and after but not the stationary period). Note that next and previous flights are defined by the +/1 of the sta_id value (and not the previous/next sta_id value).


Display (or not) the progress of the queries (logical).


List of data.frame containing for each stationary period, the date, pressure, altitude (same as geopressure_ts()).


You can include previous and/or next flight period in each query. This is typically useful to estimate flight altitude with greater precision.

If a position of the path is over water, it will be moved to the closest point onshore as explained in geopressure_ts().