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This function validates a GeoLocator Data Package using the frictionless command-line tool. It writes the package metadata to a JSON file and performs validation to ensure that the package conformsto the required standards. The function supports two modes: validating only the package metadata or validating the entire package including its resources.


  path = "/Users/rafnuss/anaconda3/bin/",
  only_package = NULL,
  pkg_dir = tempdir()



An object of class "geolocatordp" representing the GeoLocator Data Package to be validated.


A string specifying the path to the directory containing the frictionless executable. Defaults to "/Users/rafnuss/anaconda3/bin/".


A logical indicating whether to validate only the package metadata (TRUE) or the entire package including resources (FALSE). Defaults to NULL, in which case it is determined based on the presence of resources in the package.


A string specifying the directory where the package files will be written for validation. Defaults to a temporary directory created with tempdir().


NULL. The function performs validation as a side effect and does not return a value.


The function performs the following steps:

  1. If only_package is TRUE or the package contains no resources, it writes only the metadata to a JSON file and validates it.

  2. If only_package is FALSE and resources are present, it writes the entire package, including resources, to a directory and validates it.

  3. Executes the frictionless validation command using the specified path to the frictionless executable.