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This set of functions facilitates the reading and combining of Geolocator Data (GDL) and associated order information from various sources. The main function, read_gdl(), allows for reading data from an Access file or directly from separate CSV files containing GDL data and order information. It returns a data frame that integrates GDL data with summarized order details.


read_gdl(access_file = NA, data_file = NA, order_file = NA, filter_col = TRUE)



  data_file = tempfile("GDL_Data", fileext = ".csv"),
  order_file = tempfile("GDL_Orders", fileext = ".csv")



A string specifying the path to an Access file containing both the GDL data and order information. If provided, it takes precedence over data_file and order_file. Defaults to NA. §


A string specifying the path to the GDL data file. Required if access_file is not provided. Defaults to NA.


A string specifying the path to the GDL order file. Required if access_file is not provided. Defaults to NA.


A logical value or a character vector. If TRUE, only a predefined set of columns is selected. If FALSE, all columns are included. Alternatively, a character vector can be passed to specify which columns to select. Defaults to TRUE.


A data frame combining GDL data and summarized order information. The data frame includes columns such as OrderName, Client, NumberDelivered, GDL_ID, Species, and more, depending on the value of filter_col.


The read_gdl() function is the primary interface for reading and combining GDL data with orders. It can read from an Access file or from separate data and order files. If an Access file is provided, the read_gdl_access() function is used to extract the GDL data and order information. Otherwise, the read_gdl_data() and read_gdl_orders() functions are employed to read the data from specified CSV files.

  • read_gdl(): Reads GDL and order data, either from an Access file or separate CSV files, and returns a combined data frame.

  • read_gdl_orders(): Reads GDL order information from a CSV file, including columns like OrderID, OrderName, Species, Client, and NumberDelivered.

  • read_gdl_data(): Reads GDL data from a CSV file, including columns like DataID, OrderName, GDL_ID, Species, and spatial and temporal information.

  • read_gdl_access(): Extracts GDL data and order information from an Access database file and exports them to temporary CSV files.